Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset – Enhance Productivity

In today's business world, experts and business executives are becoming more aware of how detrimental it may be to prioritize short-term results over a company's long-term expansion.


The sign of this issue instructs workers to adopt a fixed mindset as opposed to a development mindset, which is more suited to improvement and advancement.

​​How Do a Growth Mindset Techniques Work?

​​Carol Dweck, a Stanford University psychologist, lecturer, and researcher, was the first to use the term "growth mindset." When a person believes they are not constrained by innate abilities or traits, according to Dweck, they are exhibiting a growth mindset training. Instead, they are able to learn, develop, and get better.


This perspective is in contrast to a "fixed mindset," wherein a person thinks they are predisposed to a particular set of traits that are unlikely to change. These two attitudes can manifest themselves at the individual and organizational levels in the workplace. Dweck has performed research that reveals the majority of businesses exhibit a general trend toward either fixed mindsets or development mindsets. And those modifications do in fact have a real impact on businesses. 

What Are The 3 Advantages of a Growth Mindset at Work? 

It may initially seem arbitrary to distinguish between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. However, research by Dweck, her associates, and others in their profession regularly demonstrates that they fundamentally alter how people behave and how organizations function. The following are some main advantages of an organizational growth mentality at work.

  1. Reinforced Trust

Employees with fixed mindsets are more prone to see their coworkers as rivals in a race for success than as partners because they tend to think that their abilities and those of their peers are fundamentally fixed. Fixed-mindset corporate cultures consequently exhibit a lack of trust and a lack of dedication to the company. On the other side, a growth attitude that is widely adopted at work has proven to be advantageous for businesses. According to surveys, employees in these organizations are 47 percent more inclined to believe their coworkers are trustworthy.

  1. Increased Morale

Employees in a growth-oriented firm are aware that managers will evaluate their work on their initiative and innovation rather than their natural qualities or willingness to support brief thinking. Employees with a growth mentality are also more inclined to ask and submit their own ideas, which helps the business avoid falling victim to groupthink.

A significant morale booster is having employees feel valued and trusted to grow with the business. The Harvard Business Review reports that 34 % of employees work for organizations that promote growth mindset courses.

  1. Innovation and Risk-Taking are On the Rise

At the corporate level, encouraging innovation and a willingness to take risks requires a growth mindset online. People and organizations are more prone to concentrate on specific, short-term goals than on longer-term prospects when they believe their capacities are fixed. Leaders might consequently refrain from taking chances that would jeopardize their short-term objectives.


Employees are aware of this distinction, according to HBR. Those who work for organizations that value growth are more likely—by 65%—to claim that they encourage risk-taking. Additionally, they are 49% more likely to report that their company encourages innovation. In the end, for employees to feel confident putting forward new ideas, the corporate culture must demonstrate support for them, even if they don't work out. It's understandable why companies like Microsoft and General Electric, leaders in innovation, are praised for their initiatives to promote a growth mindset.

How to Promote a Growth Mindset in the Workplace?

Since mindsets are sometimes considered highly personal, it's simple to believe that businesses are powerless to alter how their employees perceive the outside world. However, putting a growth mentality first in the workplace can have a significant impact on business culture. According to research, people's mindsets are quite susceptible to triggers, such as their surroundings and the messages they hear.


Here are 5 measures to help your company foster an online mind growth course.

1. Connect Learning to Performance Evaluation Rather Than Output

Employee performance reviews have historically placed a strong emphasis on production indicators like units sold or project delivered on schedule. Employee performance is compared among themselves at many businesses.


Leaders can instead assess how staff members are evolving to promote an organizational growth mentality. They can think about making goals that focus more on developing their abilities than on increasing their productivity.

2. Classify Successes And Failures

Nobody likes to fail, but stigmatizing it or making employees feel bad when projects don't work out will only make them less confident and hesitant to share ideas in the future. Instead, leaders should promote an organized course in the company by viewing mistakes as an important part of the learning process and as a source of insightful information about what worked (and what didn't).

3. Encouraging Employees To Raise Concerns

Businesses that have a development mindset understand that innovative ideas can originate from unexpected places. Leaders with growth mindsets are open to hearing different perspectives, even when they conflict with their own. They recognize that questions are crucial to growth, as opposed to resorting to only a few employees to raise red flags or suggest new strategies.

4. Support Employees' Efforts to Retrain and Upskill Themselves

As technology advances, the majority of firms are now experiencing or anticipating skill gaps. Smart leaders with growth mindsets recognize that people already have the ability needed to tackle the difficulties at hand rather than making the assumption. Through internal training or external programs like those Emeritus provides, these firms make investments in the reskilling and upskilling of their workforce. Participation in these programs shows employees that their company leadership has faith in their abilities, which encourages a growth mentality on a personal level.

5. Encourage Cross-domain Learning and Coaching

Growth-oriented organizations are aware that a worker's full potential might not be immediately obvious. They are also aware of the significant rewards associated with devoting time and effort to hiring workers who are enthusiastic and eager to learn. Employees that show interest in advancement should be offered one-on-one mentoring as well as opportunities for cross-domain training (such as working with other teams or even a temporary transfer).

Wrapping it Up 

It takes time to develop a development mentality within a business, but the results can be quite favorable. But as Dweck says, simply mentioning a growth mindset at work doesn't guarantee that it will actually happen. Organizations must instead take particular actions to motivate workers to develop their talents, take chances, and challenge themselves—even when it is uncomfortable. 

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